Saturday 20 March 2021

Shooting Script


10/10/20 – 11:00 – 12:00 PM

1.       Do you really know enough to talk about some of the issues that you do? You have a large following so surely you do not want to deceive them in any way?

I am confident that I understand the issues that I talk about on my social media as I am constantly educating myself, whether that be learning through social media or by reading books. Not all activists and people agree with your arguments and that is what you learn to deal with but considering other peoples’ viewpoints helps me form a more balanced opinion – I learn from other people all the time through social media.


Today I am going to a protest in London as part of March4Women which is a global movement for gender equality – this year we focused on protesting to the government to make climate justice and gender justice happen, and I will post about this on my social media so others can get involved.

2.       What do you aim to achieve with your posts on social media?

Every single one of my followers is an audience member and I believe that I have a responsibility to provide them with arguments that are not only credible and factually accurate, but inspiring. I don’t think you have to be an ‘influencer’ to have an impact on social media as the main thing that I aim to achieve is inspiring others to join me or show solidarity by educating themselves on a topic area.

3.       Does your activism affect your mental health? Do you think it is important to take breaks from social media?

With what I do, unfortunately I do receive some negativity on my posts but I’ve been an activist for quite a few years now and I just have to accept that some people do not agree with my views. I think it is important to take breaks from social media as it can be overwhelming at times and can turn into an isolating platform.

4.       Is being an activist rewarding for you?

It is very rewarding for me – I love educating people on current issues to benefit our society and contribute to the future. I make sure that I am not being superficial in my posts, and I don’t use my platform for any material gain. I just want to help the future and make real change in the world. I have found a community online.

5.       So do you think that social media is superficial or beneficial?

Social media is what you make it – I choose to use my platform to educate others about issues in the world and make real change through inspiring others to learn about issues and donate. I believe I have found my community online who want to change the world for the better, and who are educating a new socially conscious, politically aware society. Social media has given me the platform to reach a global audience and contribute to various movements around the world.


‘I believe that we can initiate real change through social media.’

‘I’ve found my community online.’

1 comment:

  1. Good, detailed and well-selected comments that offer highly developed insights into the individual; super work.


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Abbie Rayley Explores: Social Media